Archives des Good Practice - Bordeaux Events And More
Good Practice


The staff at Bordeaux Events And More proudly donned the colours of Pink October. Dressed in fuchsia, baby, raspberry or candy pink, the team highlighted their support for the breast cancer awareness and screening campaign. This has become something of
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Good Practice

AT BEAM, commuting is as easy as ridong a bike

Bordeaux Events And More aims to support and encourage bike commuters! To encourage eco-friendly commutes among employees, BEAM has given bike owners the possibility of bringing theirs in for servicing. “I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride
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Interview with Brigitte Bloch, President of the Bordeaux Métropole Tourist and Conventions Office

Bordeaux Fête le Vin is the unmissable annual wine festival for the city’s inhabitants, attracting hundreds of thousands of visitors keen to discover the wealth of their region. In the run-up to the next edition from 27 to 30 June 2024, Brigitte Bloch, President of the BMTCO and an active player for many years in the wine tourism and business sector, offers her insight on this festive event in tune with the times.
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Assemblée Générale KRYS GROUP 2024

L‘assemblée générale et le diner de gala de KRYS GROUP se sont déroulés à Bordeaux, Mathieu Guéguen, responsable Événements et Sponsoring souligne le succès de leur partenariat avec Bordeaux Events and More sur 2 de leurs sites : le Palais des Congrès de Bordeaux et le Hangar 14. Des adhérents pleinement satisfaits, comme en témoignent les « 87% de répondants à leur enquête satisfaction.
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